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Limitless Stock Options Accelerator

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  1. Module 1: Introduction to Stock Options

    Lesson 1.1: What is the Stock Market?
  2. Lesson 1.2: Understanding Options: Basics and Terminologies
  3. Lesson 1.3: The Difference Between Stocks and Stock Options
  4. Lesson 1.4: Types of Options: Call and Put
  5. Lesson 1.5: Benefits and Risks of Trading Options
  6. Module 2: Option Contracts
    Lesson 2.1: Elements of an Option Contract
  7. Lesson 2.2: How to Read an Option Chain
  8. Lesson 2.3: Intrinsic Value and Time Value
  9. Lesson 2.4: Moneyness: In-the-Money (ITM), At-the-Money (ATM), Out-of-the-Money (OTM)
  10. Lesson 2.5: Option Expiration and Exercise
  11. Module 3: Pricing Options and Greeks
    Lesson 3.1: Understanding Option Pricing
  12. Lesson 3.2: Introduction to Greeks: Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho
  13. Lesson 3.3: Impact of Volatility on Option Pricing
  14. Lesson 3.4: The Black-Scholes Model for Option Pricing
  15. Lesson 3.5: Application of Greeks in Option Trading
  16. Module 4: Trading Strategies for Stock Options
    Lesson 4.1: Basic Option Trading Strategies: Long Call, Long Put
  17. Lesson 4.2: Protective Put and Covered Call
  18. Lesson 4.3: Spreads: Bull Call, Bear Put, Butterfly
  19. Lesson 4.4: Straddles and Strangles
  20. Lesson 4.5: Risk and Reward Analysis for Different Strategies
  21. Module 5: Practical Skills: Trading Platform and Order Placement
    Lesson 5.1: Introduction to Trading Platforms
  22. Lesson 5.2: Setting Up a Brokerage Account
  23. Lesson 5.3: Placing Option Orders: Market, Limit, Stop, Stop Limit
  24. Lesson 5.4: Managing and Monitoring Your Portfolio
  25. Lesson 5.5: Practical Exercise: Virtual Trading
  26. Module 6: Risk Management and Regulatory Considerations
    Lesson 6.1: Importance of Risk Management in Options Trading
  27. Lesson 6.2: Using Stop Loss and Take Profit in Options
  28. Lesson 6.3: Understanding Margin Requirements for Options
  29. Lesson 6.4: Regulatory Framework for Options Trading
  30. Lesson 6.5: Ethical Considerations in Options Trading
  31. Module 7: Beyond Basics
    Lesson 7.1: Advanced Trading Strategies: Iron Condor, Calendar Spread, Diagonal Spread
  32. Lesson 7.2: LEAPS and Binary Options
  33. Lesson 7.3: Using Options for Hedging and Speculation
  34. Lesson 7.4: Impact of Corporate Actions on Options
  35. Lesson 7.5: Continuous Learning and Improvement in Options Trading
  36. Lesson
Lesson 17 of 36
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Lesson 4.2: Protective Put and Covered Call

Michael Gustin July 5, 2023

1. **Protective Put**: This strategy involves buying a put option for an underlying stock that you already own. This acts as an insurance policy, protecting the stock from a decline in price. 

2. **Covered Call**: This strategy involves selling a call option for an underlying stock that you already own. This generates income from the option’s premium and can offer some protection against a slight drop in the price of the underlying stock. However, in exchange, the upside potential is limited.

– Reference: [Investopedia: Protective Put](, [Investopedia: Covered Call](