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Limitless Stock Options Accelerator

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  1. Module 1: Introduction to Stock Options

    Lesson 1.1: What is the Stock Market?
  2. Lesson 1.2: Understanding Options: Basics and Terminologies
  3. Lesson 1.3: The Difference Between Stocks and Stock Options
  4. Lesson 1.4: Types of Options: Call and Put
  5. Lesson 1.5: Benefits and Risks of Trading Options
  6. Module 2: Option Contracts
    Lesson 2.1: Elements of an Option Contract
  7. Lesson 2.2: How to Read an Option Chain
  8. Lesson 2.3: Intrinsic Value and Time Value
  9. Lesson 2.4: Moneyness: In-the-Money (ITM), At-the-Money (ATM), Out-of-the-Money (OTM)
  10. Lesson 2.5: Option Expiration and Exercise
  11. Module 3: Pricing Options and Greeks
    Lesson 3.1: Understanding Option Pricing
  12. Lesson 3.2: Introduction to Greeks: Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho
  13. Lesson 3.3: Impact of Volatility on Option Pricing
  14. Lesson 3.4: The Black-Scholes Model for Option Pricing
  15. Lesson 3.5: Application of Greeks in Option Trading
  16. Module 4: Trading Strategies for Stock Options
    Lesson 4.1: Basic Option Trading Strategies: Long Call, Long Put
  17. Lesson 4.2: Protective Put and Covered Call
  18. Lesson 4.3: Spreads: Bull Call, Bear Put, Butterfly
  19. Lesson 4.4: Straddles and Strangles
  20. Lesson 4.5: Risk and Reward Analysis for Different Strategies
  21. Module 5: Practical Skills: Trading Platform and Order Placement
    Lesson 5.1: Introduction to Trading Platforms
  22. Lesson 5.2: Setting Up a Brokerage Account
  23. Lesson 5.3: Placing Option Orders: Market, Limit, Stop, Stop Limit
  24. Lesson 5.4: Managing and Monitoring Your Portfolio
  25. Lesson 5.5: Practical Exercise: Virtual Trading
  26. Module 6: Risk Management and Regulatory Considerations
    Lesson 6.1: Importance of Risk Management in Options Trading
  27. Lesson 6.2: Using Stop Loss and Take Profit in Options
  28. Lesson 6.3: Understanding Margin Requirements for Options
  29. Lesson 6.4: Regulatory Framework for Options Trading
  30. Lesson 6.5: Ethical Considerations in Options Trading
  31. Module 7: Beyond Basics
    Lesson 7.1: Advanced Trading Strategies: Iron Condor, Calendar Spread, Diagonal Spread
  32. Lesson 7.2: LEAPS and Binary Options
  33. Lesson 7.3: Using Options for Hedging and Speculation
  34. Lesson 7.4: Impact of Corporate Actions on Options
  35. Lesson 7.5: Continuous Learning and Improvement in Options Trading
  36. Lesson
Lesson 31 of 36
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Lesson 7.1: Advanced Trading Strategies: Iron Condor, Calendar Spread, Diagonal Spread

Michael Gustin July 5, 2023

In this lesson, we delve into more advanced trading strategies.

1. **Iron Condor**: This is a strategy that involves four options with the same expiration date but different strike prices. It’s a combination of a bear call spread and a bull put spread. The goal is to profit from low volatility in the underlying asset. The maximum profit is the net premium received, and the maximum loss is the difference between the strike prices minus the net premium received. 

2. **Calendar Spread (or Time Spread)**: This involves buying and selling two options of the same type (calls or puts), same underlying asset, same strike price, but with different expiration dates. It profits from the difference in time decay between the two options.

3. **Diagonal Spread**: This strategy is a combination of horizontal and vertical spreads. It involves two options of the same type, same underlying asset, but with different strike prices and expiration dates. It profits from differences in time decay and changes in implied volatility.

Each of these strategies has its own risk/reward profile and suitability for different market conditions.

– Reference: [Investopedia: Iron Condor](, [Investopedia: Calendar Spread](, [Investopedia: Diagonal Spread](