Reality Hacker OS
Journal & Planner
$49 $34
Introducing Reality Hacker OS, the journal and planner that activates the single state of being where all desires manifest effortlessly and automatically. It’s a gamified operating system for your manifesting that provides a simple process each day to manifest your every goal and desire with fun, magic and ease.
What you get:
- A 230+ page spiral bound journal and planner
- Power Up “manifestation accelerator” audio
- Access to our online gamification platform
- A simple daily, weekly and monthly framework for easy and accelerated manifesting
- Works for all areas of life and desires
- Eliminates confusion and overwhelm
- Turns your life & manifesting into a game
- BONUS: “Choose Your Own Adventure” Manifesting Games Pack
Manifest all goals and desires with one simple process
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with all the manifesting methods and techniques? Do you ever wish you just knew what to do when to manifest what you want? Do you ever wish there was an easier, more fail-proof way?
The Reality Hacker OS journal is your answer. Best described as a complete operating system for your manifesting, the Reality Hacker OS journal activates a single state of being where all goals and desires manifest.
The only thing required of you—use the daily process in the journal to activate this state, and watch as your day unfolds with magic and ease.
What Is It?
The Reality Hacker OS journal and planner is a manifestation tool that will give you a simple and effective daily framework for manifesting the life you want.
Who Is It For?
This journal is for anyone who desires to manifest with less confusion and overwhelm, and more success and ease.
How Does It Work?
The daily journal process activates the state of being where all desires manifest automatically. Game methodology hacks your brain to stay motivated and on track, as your your entire life is turned into a fun game.
How Is It Different?
Most law of attraction journals and planners are just a repeating template of gratitude journaling and affirmations. The Reality Hacker OS journal on the other hand tailors specific to you and your desires. It is a true operating system for your manifesting.
How Long Does It Last?
Duration of use is dependent on how much dedication you apply. It is designed to last 60 days of full use. Lighter use will last longer.
“This isn’t like anything I’ve seen before. It’s fun, engaging, and I can’t put it down. It really has changed everything for me.”
Kristen N.
Less effort, more manifesting
Struggle less, manifest more. The Reality Hacker OS journal and planner comes with:
One Process For All Goals & Desires
Stop relying on technique that changes for every desire. Reality Hacker OS includes one process that works for all goals and desires. Simple, easy, and efficient.
Optimize Your Mind, Body & Spirit
Our approach releases blockages and optimizes your mind, body and spirit—which activates the single state of being where all goals and desires manifest automatically.
Weekly Planner & Review
In addition to the daily process, you will be guided in planning what you want to manifest each week, so you stay focused and efficient in manifesting your vision.
Gamify Your Life
Turn your life into a game. As you play your daily Quests, you will track results, earn points and streaks, and unlock rewards. Momentum with your manifesting has never been so easy (and guaranteed).
A scientific process that manifests your desires automatically
Perform the 5-minute process
Each day you will open the journal and use the 5-minute process, which eliminates blockages and activates the manifestation of your desires. With this process you no longer have to rely on visualization, belief reprogramming, or any other repetitive technique—one process, infinite desires.
Get a boost with the Power Up audio
Included is our Power Up audio, a 6-minute activation that awakens the state of being where all goals and desires manifest effortlessly and automatically. Use the Power Up in your morning routine, and any time you need a boost.
Turn your entire life into a game
One of the most unique aspects of Reality Hacker OS is its gamification system. Everything you do in the journal earns points and streaks, which you will enter into our online platform to unlock exclusive rewards. This hacks your brain into motivation, consistency and momentum that grows the more you use the journal.
Plan your day, week and month
Reality Hacker OS features several page templates for planning your day, week and month, tracking results, and optimizing your mindset and action. Tasks are gamified, so every to-do you complete contributes to your points, streaks, and rewards.
Set rewards for more momentum
The rewards framework invites you to set rewards for achieving points and streaks. Rewards are small pleasures that keep you motivated toward consistency in your manifesting. This keeps your mind in flow and focusing on positive momentum and anticipation.
Connect with our online platform for even more rewards
We’ve built an entire platform that features a social network, points system, training, support, and rewards. Log your journal points on the platform and unlock rewards and gifts like journal upgrades, cash, discounts and more.
Perform the 5-minute process
Each day you will open the journal and use the 5-minute process, which eliminates blockages and activates the manifestation of your desires. With this process you no longer have to rely on visualization, belief reprogramming, or any other repetitive technique—one process, infinite desires.
Get a boost with the Power Up audio
Included is our Power Up audio, a 6-minute activation that awakens the state of being where all goals and desires manifest effortlessly and automatically. Use the Power Up in your morning routine, and any time you need a boost.
Turn your entire life into a game
One of the most unique aspects of Reality Hacker OS is its gamification system. Everything you do in the journal earns points and streaks, which you will enter into our online platform to unlock exclusive rewards. This hacks your brain into motivation, consistency and momentum that grows the more you use the journal.
Plan your day, week and month
Reality Hacker OS features several page templates for planning your day, week and month, tracking results, and optimizing your mindset and action. Tasks are gamified, so every to-do you complete contributes to your points, streaks, and rewards.
Set rewards for more momentum
The rewards framework invites you to set rewards for achieving points and streaks. Rewards are small pleasures that keep you motivated toward consistency in your manifesting. This keeps your mind in flow and focusing on positive momentum and anticipation.
Connect with our online platform for even more rewards
We’ve built an entire platform that features a social network, points system, training, support, and rewards. Log your journal points on the platform and unlock rewards and gifts like journal upgrades, cash, discounts and more.
One journal. Infinite desires.
“I believe in Reality Hacker OS all day every day! My life has changed dramatically since I’m been consistent in journaling. Life of abundance, who would have thought it to be so easy!!”
Pauline M.
Manifesting can be fun, simple and effective
Here are some commonly asked questions to give you a better understanding of how the journal works.
How Is This Different From Other Journals?
Most law of attraction journals and planners are just a repeating template of gratitude journaling and affirmations. The Reality Hacker OS journal on the other hand awaken the state of being where all desires manifest, without having to rely on changing technique for specific desires. Gamification increase motivation and consistency, and the journal’s modular structure allows for endless ways to use it.
How Does It Manifest All Desires At Once?
The only reason something doesn’t manifest is that there is a blockage within our consciousness that is preventing it. When these blockages are released, goals and desires automatically manifest. This is what all manifesting technique is ultimately doing, it’s just extremely inefficient. Reality Hacker OS helps you laser target your blockages, release them, and embody the state of being where all desires manifest on their own—no visualization, scripting, or belief shifting required.
What About My Daily To-Do’s?
Turn your to-do’s into a game and be more productive than ever! The Reality Hacker OS journal provides a simple framework to integrate your to-do’s into your daily manifesting practice and gameplay. Now you will manifest fun, ease and success into every aspect of your life!
Does It Have a Planner?
Yes, the Reality Hacker OS journal has a Weekly Review and Weekly Planner. However, our approach is different. Instead of listing out endless to-dos and goals you will never achieve, we turn planning into a fun game.
Does It Help With Accountability?
Yes, the Reality Hacker OS journal makes keeping yourself accountable easy. First, game methodology keeps you engaged and motivated (this is scientifically proven). Second, each week you are given a framework to review your progress and make optimizations for better manifesting.
How Do Points & Rewards Work?
Life is more fun (and successful) when it’s played like a game. With the Reality Hacker OS journal, you not only earn points as you complete your daily journaling and manifesting, but you set and unlock rewards as you stay consistent and committed. Included with the journal is access to our online platform, where you’ll log your points and unlock tons of rewards (including cash). Never before has manifesting the life you want been so fun, failure-proof and accelerated.
Will It Work For Me?
Absolutely. The Reality Hacker OS journal is designed to adapt to you. One powerful aspect of this is feedback loops—by incorporating feedback loops into your journaling, you build momentum and accelerate your manifesting day over day. Our framework is unique in that it targets what is working and guides you in scaling it.
How Is The Journal Expandable?
The Reality Hacker OS is designed as a modular journal, which means there are endless add-ons that can “plug into” daily use. The Today template features a Quest section, which is where you will use the included manifesting process. However it doesn’t end there—browse our Upgrade Library for dozens of free and paid add-ons, which are Quests that provide new ways to use the journal. Upgrades include different productivity and goal achievement methodologies, skill learning, activities (like yoga), and more.
Are There Blank Pages?
Yes, at the end of the Reality Hacker OS journal are blank bullet journal style pages. This allows you endless possibilities for journaling and manifesting adventures. As we develop the journal we will be releasing new and exciting ways to use the blank pages for your manifesting. The possibilities are literally endless.
“Choose Your Own Adventure” Manifesting Games Pack
Included as a special bonus is our best-selling journal add-on, the “Choose Your Own Adventure” Manifesting Games Pack. This is a pack of 22 Quests for manifesting specific desires and outcomes. Each Quest has two journal prompts and a step-by-step manifesting game to play through the day for fun, ease and success. The pack includes Quests for money, love, gifts, ideas, weightless, productivity, conflict resolution, and more. Just open the Start Menu, select your desired manifestation, and have fun!
Reality Hacker OS
Journal & Planner
$49 $34
Introducing Reality Hacker OS, the journal and planner that activates the single state of being where all desires manifest effortlessly and automatically. It’s a gamified operating system for your manifesting that provides a simple process each day to manifest your every goal and desire with fun, magic and ease.
What you get:
- A 230+ page spiral bound journal and planner
- Power Up “manifestation accelerator” audio
- Access to our online gamification platform
- A simple daily, weekly and monthly framework for easy and accelerated manifesting
- Works for all areas of life and desires
- Eliminates confusion and overwhelm
- Turns your life & manifesting into a game
- BONUS: “Choose Your Own Adventure” Manifesting Games Pack
5-star reviews
Our products and experiences consistently receive 5-star reviews and success stories from our customers. We put love, care and a true passion for results into everything we do.
Unlock simple & easy manifesting today
Get the spiral bound Reality Hacker OS journal, Power Up activation audio, online gamification platform, rewards, and Upgrade Library access. All for just $34 plus shipping.