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Our free toolkit for getting started with Reality Hacker principles, and learning how to manifest your dreams with the most efficiency and momentum possible.
Our official toolkit that gives you the basics of our approach to manifesting
A digital copy of our book Unified, the Reality Hacker playbook for bringing all law of attraction terms together and unlocking the Effortless Way of manifesting
A printable poster of our Reality Hacker Manifesto to hang in your home or office and inspire you
Free access to Reality Hacker Basic Training, our 7-day experience to put the Manifesto into practice and begin awakening your true manifesting potential. Completing the challenge will earn your rank as Reality Hacker in our Social Network.
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Resources for integrating Reality Hacker principles into your life
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Extraordinary Program!
After checking out all manner of books and courses, this course actually delivered! I admit it took me much longer than 45 days for me to work through it, but that was because of me, not the course. Having followed in Neville Goddard’s and Ernest Holmes’s paths, I knew certain aspects of the I Am teachings, but not with the same depth and focus on experiential understanding. And I was not familiar with Lester Levenson, which was a new angle of focus. Now that I have completed the course, I am restarting the program again and know that there is much more to glean. Thank you so much for all of the education and value this program brought to me!
Peter M. Verified Buyer
Beyond Words
I was super reluctant to enroll in this course, not because of the money involved but because I was fed up of courses promising that this is the last ever course that I need to learn only to learn that I had fallen for a ****** marketing gimmick. No offense, most of the courses were great but they always kept me hanging for more and running behind the next shiny object. The I Am source experiment is the first and only course which actually overdelivered, it was way beyond what the description mentioned. The last 45 days have given me the most clarity than the 11 years of running behind religion, spirituality and every single modality that claimed to have the ‘answer’ could ever have given me. it has given me the gift of the question, it has taught me to be more and do less, it has taught me that I am enough, that all the answers are within and it was such a simple journey to embark upon with each day taking me deeper and deeper within myself and into a state of greater calm, bliss, knowing, joy and wonder than I could every have asked for. I literally cannot put this experience in words. All I can say to anyone wishing to explore creation, manifestation, themselves, life, the world, spirituality, awareness, consciousness or anything relation is – Just go for it!!! You can thank me later.
Wilma D. Verified Buyer
I Love This!
Since finding reality hacker and starting bending reality, my entire reality has shifted /is currently shifting. My contract position at work became permanent with a raise, I am moving into my dream apartment, money just keeps flowing to me endlessly and I know I’m on the right path to beginning my dream relationship.
Ashley B. Verified Buyer
A Huge Endless Thank You
I haven’t shared my wins from bending reality. Here are a few, manifested my highest paying job ever.. also used offloading to turn a learning circumstance in my favor, a last last minute weekend trip to San Diego and Mexico, and recently a man that’s very into me and takes me on dates. I’m much more relaxed about life and somehow my focus is manifesting the journey vs the things.
Patricia M. Verified Buyer
The Power of You
This experience was thrilling, mind-bending, and ultimate incredibly cleansing-which was the aspect I took the most away from. I’ve worked with various techniques and schools of thought for some time, and this has been the only one that’s addressed the mechanics of YOU and the power that waits beneath the surface; as well as the love that defines everything that is. This program helps you clear away old patterns so you can do the work that MATTERS, literally. Don’t regret NOT changing your life Now.
Michael G. Verified Buyer
This Changed My Life
I am so thankful for this experience. I had gone through a very traumatic experience…at least for me it was traumatic. I was at a low point and decided to give law of attraction another go. Again it failed me and then I found Neville Goddard and the law of assumption. I learned non-duality and that I create everything in my 3d reality. Then I found Reality Hacker. This is the program that has helped me to become steadfast and remember everyday who I am and how powerful I am. I believe that this change is a process but persisting is worth it. Thank you so much for creating this amazing tool.
Heather Verified Buyer
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