Zero Density Retreat

Join us in person for a powerful 2-day experience designed to awaken the state of being where all desires manifest on their own. #NoTechnique required.

AUGUST 19 – 20, 2023

It’s time to exit the matrix

The matrix is stronger than ever. Fear, stress, and suffering are rampant. Cycles of struggle and hardship are at an all-time high. We are in a time when it’s vital to ascend, to exit the matrix of limitation, and awaken our true infinite nature. This is the only path forward. This is the only way to thrive. Which is why, for the first time ever, we are hosting an in-person retreat to do just that—exit the matrix and awaken true peace, power, abundance and freedom.

Who this is for:

  • You’re looking to manifest more wealth and abundance
  • You’re finding it hard to navigate circumstances and are looking for a different way
  • You find yourself struggling and wanting to escape
  • You crave peace, presence, and freedom
  • You know this is the year you have to change things

Multi-dimensional transformation

Earlier this year we launched our groundbreaking program Bending Reality. It was a deep dive into the state of being where desires manifest on their own—which we call the Zero Density State. This is the embodiment of our true infinite nature, where our power is at its peak. Students saw incredible results, and have been asking for more. At the Zero Density Retreat, we will take you even deeper, leveraging the power of group consciousness and live sessions with our proprietary audio-spacial technology.


We’ll spend two days together, exploring an experiential and immersive agenda that will break down your barriers of perception, dissolve your ego and sense of limitation, and rebuild your state of being into the Zero Density State. The result will be the sensed experience and embodiment of your infinite nature, which bends reality to your every desire, elevating you beyond technique into into the realm of automatic manifestation.


During our Bending Reality program earlier this year, we premiered our quantum manifestation technology designed to permeate deep into your consciousness and awaken the Zero Density State. We’ve expanded and calibrated this technology for a live setting, and through utilizing state-of-the-art equipment you’ll experience several sessions of full-body activation, that will tune your nervous system to resonate at the Zero Density frequency.



The power of live retreats

There’s an undeniable power of being at a live retreat. When you’re with others who are vibrating at high levels of consciousness, minds and bodies harmonize and the group ascends as a collective. This short-circuits old patterns of thought and belief, and generates powerful transformation deep in your consciousness and nervous system. Throughout the weekend you will experience several group quantum activation sessions, which will utilize state-of-the-art audio-visual equipment that will ascend your mind and body in ways only possible in a live setting.

Watch the first session of our previous Bending Reality retreat for a taste of what you’ll experience:

True peace, presence, abundance and freedom is your birthright

There’s a realm within you that transcends time and space. It’s eternal. It’s omnipresent. It’s powerful beyond comprehension. And it’s the only place where true peace, presence, abundance and freedom exists. This is your true nature and birthright, and together we will be activating it in you. If you’ve been aching for this, the Zero Density Retreat is calling for you. It’s time.


Reserve your seat

The Zero Density Retreat is happening August 19-20, 2023, at our CEO’s house in Colorado. Your ticket includes breakfast and lunch each day, along with a host of immersive lectures, technology activation sessions, and activities. It’s an experiential agenda that will leave you completely transformed. It’s time to exit the matrix and activate the state of peace, presence, abundance and freedom, where desires manifest on their own. 


  • One ticket to the physical retreat ($2,000 value)
  • An exclusive retreat journal only available to attendees ($30 value)
  • Breakfast and lunch on both days ($100 value)
  • 6 months of direct support following the retreat ($3,000 value)
  • More surprises!

In-Person Ticket

Includes everything outlined above. Only 20 spots available. Price increases June 1.

$5,130  $1,000

Purchase with our 2-month payment plan

Virtual Ticket

Virtual admission. Includes access to the retreat through Zoom.


Results to expect

We’ve carefully designed a schedule of lectures, technology activation sessions, and experiential activities to awaken the Zero Density State, where life flows like water and desires manifest with ease, speed and consistency. The fully-immersive nature of this experience will produce powerful results. Here’s what you can expect:

  • A deep, untouchable feeling of peace and freedom
  • Struggles, problems and frustrations resolving
  • No longer needing to worry about what to do to manifest specific desires
  • Elimination of limiting beliefs, resistance and blockages
  • Thoughts manifesting within minutes, hours or days
  • Goals and desires falling into your lap
  • New mental abilities awaken
  • And more…



Student reviews

We’ve been exploring hidden realms and developing powerful processes of ascension for over 7 years. See what some of our past and present students say:

I Love This!
Since finding reality hacker and starting bending reality, my entire reality has shifted /is currently shifting. My contract position at work became permanent with a raise, I am moving into my dream apartment, money just keeps flowing to me endlessly and I know I’m on the right path to beginning my dream relationship.

Ashley B.   Verified Buyer

A Huge Endless Thank You
I haven’t shared my wins from bending reality. Here are a few, manifested my highest paying job ever.. also used offloading to turn a learning circumstance in my favor, a last last minute weekend trip to San Diego and Mexico, and recently a man that’s very into me and takes me on dates. I’m much more relaxed about life and somehow my focus is manifesting the journey vs the things.

Patricia M.   Verified Buyer

The Power of You
This experience was thrilling, mind-bending, and ultimate incredibly cleansing-which was the aspect I took the most away from. I’ve worked with various techniques and schools of thought for some time, and this has been the only one that’s addressed the mechanics of YOU and the power that waits beneath the surface; as well as the love that defines everything that is. This program helps you clear away old patterns so you can do the work that MATTERS, literally. Don’t regret NOT changing your life Now.

Michael G.   Verified Buyer

As with everything created by Reality Hacker, Bending Reality exceeded expectations. Life-changing teachings and activation of the perfect state, all brilliantly executed. Connecting with your infinite nature could never be a bad investment.

Vanessa M.   Verified Buyer

Worth Every Penny!
Great course! The steps to are laid out very well and you will be surprised at how limitations are holding you back. Thankfully this program goes beyond that and shows you how to go from wanting to being. It’s really easy once you know who you are and how to get there. This course puts you back in the driver seat where you belong and awakens everything that is already in you to begin with!!

Billy   Verified Buyer

This Changed My Life
I am so thankful for this experience. I had gone through a very traumatic experience…at least for me it was traumatic. I was at a low point and decided to give law of attraction another go. Again it failed me and then I found Neville Goddard and the law of assumption. I learned non-duality and that I create everything in my 3d reality. Then I found Reality Hacker. This is the program that has helped me to become steadfast and remember everyday who I am and how powerful I am. I believe that this change is a process but persisting is worth it. Thank you so much for creating this amazing tool.

Heather   Verified Buyer

A Wonderful Course
I really enjoyed every single day of this journey. I feel like I’m manifesting a lot already. What you can do is related to how many of your mental shackles you have cast off. I’m still working on this part — consistently feeling as limitless as I know I am. But I’m getting there. Already reading through a second time.

M. Peacock   Verified Buyer

I have pursued a lot of different resources, courses, and learning around conscious manifestation and this is by far the most profound, simple, and delightful. I just finished and am about to start all over again… I have had several mystical/blissful experiences in the past 45 days unlike anything I had had before… I’m really amazed. Of course I believe it is all about right timing, and this arrived at the perfect time for me for it to be really juicy and hugely transformative.

Jane F.   Verified Buyer

From “Law of Attraction” Burnout to Manifestation Illumination
I’ve been in so many law of attraction courses, watched the movies, and read the books. It started off as a fascination, then an attempt to answer a cry for help as my life had turned into a nightmare of stress, weight gain, and failed dreams. It felt like something was missing from the other well intentioned courses. This course was filled with “ah ha” moments, and tears of joy, as I realized how much I had over complicated the process. I am a master at manifesting! Everything lined up with my faith. In fact, it strengthens my Christian beliefs, drawing attention to things the Bible said that I never understood fully until now. I was so excited about what I was learning that I would talk about it to everyone who would listen and I saw lightbulbs turn on in their heads too. I was so excited to complete each day that I would stay up, or wake up at 12:59am every morning so I could read the next lesson and experiment, digest it, and prepare for its implementation when I got ready to really start my day.

Phylicia   Verified Buyer

Reserve your seat

August 19-20, 2023
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Don’t Give Up!
I’ve been studying LOA and manifestation for years, and I’d kind of lost my enthusiasm for it to be honest. I felt no energy or motivation to do any kind of work on myself, and my life and relationships suffered because of it. I had just about given up on everything when I found this. It sounded too good to be true, and you know how those things usually work out… but after a couple days of doing the experiments and the changes I was already seeing in myself and in the world around me, I knew I had stumbled onto something different. I actually was EXCITED for this work again, in a way I hadn’t been since back when I first discovered our power and ability to create and direct our lives. It felt awesome. I don’t often do reviews, but after the year we’ve all had, and how easy it feels to just give up, please give this a chance first. I can almost fully guarantee it will be worth it for you too.

Ella C.   Verified Buyer

The Keys To The Kingdom… For a Steal
I’ve taken a lot of courses, read a lot of books and studied with a lot of teachers…and the I Am Experience blows it all out of the water. The manifesting world of techniques, SPs, effort, endless instruction goes up in smoke when you embark on the Experience. To me, this is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth — it goes way beyond the surface I-want-to-manifest-this-and-that level and takes you all the way to true freedom and joy. This program clues you into just how powerful you are and shows you what’s truly possible. The format is simple yet elegant and beyond effective. You’ll have the experience of expansiveness — you won’t just read about it. You’ll let go of the endless thinking and get out of your head and go beyond intellectual understanding. The price is beyond affordable and in regards to the value you receive, it’s a total steal. The “sales” copy for the program isn’t blowing smoke — this program is all of that AND more. If you’re ready to ditch the all of the hit or miss techniques and totally shift your perspective and live in the seat of your power, this program will help you drop all of the unnecessary work and get to the place of your wildest dreams. I had high expectations when I clicked the purchase button and this program exceeded them. It underpromises and overdelivers. I noticed a shift just after the first day and things just got better from there. Old beliefs have unraveled, blocks have fallen away, my perspective has shifted, life feels a lot more fun and free and I feel a deep well of joy. I want to recommend this to any and everyone, so that you can all experience the bliss that’s available to you. This is the best purchase I’ve ever made.

Diane   Verified Buyer

The magic of this course is the shift that happens when you come from Source versus effect. When you are in that space your mind stops all the chatter and you just are—not chasing after something, not worrying and not seeking—wonder takes over. I love it!

Val G.   Verified Buyer

This course was amazing! I combined it with the manifesting journal and a few books from Neville Goddard. My results are beyond belief…. I can literally manifest ANYTHING and I have from $$$ to things. Thank you!

Mike   Verified Buyer

Definitely Life Changing
I’ve just recently finished the course, and it was definitely life changing. I’m just excited to see how everything unfolds from here on out.

Johnathan L.   Verified Buyer

Incredible Journey!
This course has seriously changed my life. Each day I found myself more open, more optimistic, more patient and more compassionate. I cannot thank you enough for sharing this with people like me. I would suggest this for anyone seeking truth and inner love, for this is what you shall find.

Dana   Verified Buyer

This journey has redefined everything for me and sincerely changed the course of my life! Without struggle or disappointment, I’m confident that I will move on the direction of everything I want with tons of love, gratitude, and added surprises along the way. I know this cause it’s who I am, and I’ll never unlearn that now. In just days, my forever has been improved and I could not be anymore grateful!

Lauren  Verified Buyer

So Grateful
I have gained a new sense of reality. This course has planted in me the knowledge of my true essence, and I know that from now on nothing is like before.

Ben  Verified Buyer

A Must-Have Experience
Absolutely the most beautiful, life-changing and transformative experience. I cannot recommend this enough to all seekers who have been on the manifestation, personal growth and awakening path yet still finding themselves stuck. This was by far the best investment I’ve made on my own journey, as it finally brought me back home to fully knowing my true Self (who we all truly are) and allowed me to experience the real infinite power we all have in consciously creating our desired reality. The search has ended, as all is truly already here and within! The wholeness, satisfaction, completeness, joy and bliss I feel now on a consistent basis is unparalleled to only the occasional glimpses I’d get prior. The tremendous community support alongside the daily experiments has also been priceless for me. I’ll continue to revisit this course over and over again, for it really contains all the applicable tools I’ll ever need.

Arielle  Verified Buyer

Beyond Grateful
What a wonderful experience!!! I was hesitant to buy this because of my experience with other courses not living up to my expectations. This has by far exceeded my expectations. This has given me tools that I will no doubt use for the rest of my life, which is priceless. Thank you.

Agnes  Verified Buyer

Complete Gratitude!
WOW – this course was absolutely amazing. Everyday, I was finding new realizations – in depth. Just when I thought I couldn’t discover anything more, I’d be hit with something else. I still cannot believe how different I am than when I started. My life is completely changed – and you only know the true meaning behind this after taking the course. You may think that you’ve experienced something like this, but you haven’t. The entire time, I was thinking, “wow this course is worth wayyyyyy more than I paid. I’m getting all of this – experiments, group chats, and lots of love and support.” Everyone is going through the process with you and adding guidance along the way. That’s the best part of this entire course is being able to ask questions and seek advice – the instructors respond quickly and explain things in depth. It’s awesome!!!! I loved it ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’m just going to continue going through my experiments and returning to the face group chat for more discoveries 🙂

Chrisa H.  Verified Buyer

Reserve your seat

The Zero Density Retreat is happening August 19-20, 2023, at our CEO’s house in Colorado. Your ticket includes breakfast and lunch each day, along with a host of immersive lectures, technology activation sessions, and activities. It’s an experiential agenda that will leave you completely transformed. It’s time to exit the matrix and activate the state of peace, presence, abundance and freedom, where desires manifest on their own. 


  • One ticket to the physical retreat ($2,000 value)
  • An exclusive retreat journal only available to attendees ($30 value)
  • Breakfast and lunch on both days ($100 value)
  • 6 months of direct support following the retreat ($3,000 value)
  • More surprises!

In-Person Ticket

Includes everything outlined above. Only 20 spots available. Price increases June 1.

$5,130  $1,000

Purchase with our 2-month payment plan

Virtual Ticket

Virtual admission. Includes access to the retreat through Zoom.


Frequently asked questions

When and where is the retreat?
The retreat is taking place Saturday, August 19 and Sunday, August 20, 2023, at our CEO’s house in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

Do I need lodging?
Yes, you’ll need lodging, however we will provide a list of affordable recommendations. Price of lodging should not exceed a couple hundred dollars, and you can find it for less.

What do I need to bring?
Just yourself! And your commitment for transformation. We will provide breakfast and lunch on both days, as well as any other accessories you might need. We’ll even include a custom journal that will only be available to retreat attendees.

Is there anything health-related I need to be aware of?
We will be doing several meditations with our Bending Reality technology. There should not be any contraindications, however if you are concerned we advise checking with your health care provider first. The technology is audio-based, and designed to gently activate deep changes in your nervous system.